Aanii, Boozhoo, Koolamasi, Shekoli, Shekon, Tansi

Welcome to Indigenous Studies

Indigenous Studies is an interdisciplinary program of study, examining topics relevant to Indigenous peoples' realities. Housed in the Faculty of Social Science, the program provides students with an opportunity to listen, learn, and engage with matters that are important to Indigenous peoples while providing them with the flexibility to combine their program with other undergraduate degrees.


Congratulations to Lina Sunseri!

Lina Sunseri has joined the Indigenous Studies program as of May, 2024. She is a member of the Oneida Nation of the Thames, Turtle Clan. Lina taught at Brescia University College for 20 years before joining our program, and as of July 1, 2024 she has been promoted to Full Professor Rank!



New Module Changes!!

Indigenous Studies is offering new modules for our Minor, Major, and Honors Specialization programs. The previous modules are still available for current students, but all students are encouraged to consult with the new modules, as they offer a comprehensive pathway in Indigenous Studies and will prepare students for their post grad journey.

Pre-existing Program Modules

2024 - 2025 NEW Program Modules


Peace and purpose

A health equity advocate, Vanessa Ambtman-Smith gives back to the Indigenous community that healed her.

Click here to read more.



Indigenous Studies Program Strategic Foundations Report

June 2023

Read Report Here


Important Dates for September:



  • Fall term begins



  • First installment of tuition fees due for graduate students



  • Last day to add or drop a full (1.0) course, a first-term half (0.5) course, a first-term full (1.0) course, or a full-year half (0.5) course. Courses dropped by this date will not appear on a transcript; no fee penalty. Courses dropped after this date will appear on a transcript with a grade of ‘WDN’ (withdrawn, without academic penalty)



  • Deadline to apply for relief against a final grade in a Summer Day course



  • National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (observed as a non-instructional day at Western)


What's new

Indigenous Studies Mural!

New Indigenous Studies mural honours community voices on Western University campus.
Two bears climb trees, acting as protectors as animals gather around a sacred fire. Flowing behind it all are the waters of the Deshkan Ziibi.
This scene is part of a new mural outside the Indigenous Studies office on the third floor of the Social Science Centre at Western. The mural has been created by students, staff and faculty connected to the program.
Mike Cywink, an Indigenous Studies student and staff member at Western, designed the mural with input from the community.

Watch the YouTube Video Here 


Indigenous Studies collaborates in Multi-generational Wisdom Council on climate crisis

In March of this year Indigenous youth and traditional knowledge holders from from Deshkan Ziibi and  Alba/Scotland got together for a virtual wisdom council to discuss the role of Indigenous knowledge and intergenerational connections as a means of strengthening climate crisis resilience. The Wisdom Council was also attended by interested members of the public from Alba, Turtle Island and Aotearoa. This was the second of two wisdom councils led by the Alliance for Intergenerational Resilience, Western University and Vancouver Island University. We are very happy to have had the opportunity to collaborate with the Head and Heart Indigenous Research Fellowship program (HHIRFP) Office of Indigenous Initiatives at Western, and in particular Indigenous Studies student and HHIRF Chantel Jamieson in producing a report on both wisdom councils. The report on both wisdom councils can be read here. The report can be read here.


Snapshot of 2024-25 Courses

INDIGSTU 1020E – Introduction to Indigenous Studies, Instructor: Renee Bedard
INDIGSTU 2113 – Algonquain Language and Culture, Instructor: Mario Wassaykeesic
INDIGSTU 2210F – Indigenous Peoples & Canadian History, Instructor: Cody Groat
INDIGSTU 2216G – Anthropology of Latin America Instructor: T. Granadillo
INDIGSTU 2218G – Contemporary Indigenous Issues, Instructor: Vanessa Ambtman Smith
INDIGSTU 2230G – Arctic Archaeology, Instructor: L. Hodgetts
INDIGSTU 2412F – Indigenous Healthcare Spaces, Instructor: Vanessa Ambtman Smith
INDIGSTU 2253B – Endanger Langs & Revitalization, Instructor: T. Granadillo
INDIGSTU 2601G – Indigenous Environments, Instructor: Chantelle Richmond
INDIGSTU 2676B – Land, Arts, Place l, Instructor: J. Leween
INDIGSTU 2682G – Indigenous Women's Art, Instructor: Renee Bedard
INDIGSTU 2807F – Indigenous Feminisms, Instructor: Lina Sunseri
– Special Topic in Indigenous Studies, Instructor: J. Emberley
INDIGSTU 3140F – Indigenous Knowledge and Traditions, Instructor: D. Ireland
INDIGSTU 3209G – Indigenous Theatre, Instructor: P. Wakeham
INDIGSTU 3267G – Residential Schools, Instructor: Cody Groat
INDIGSTU 3600G – Climate, Culture, & Indigenous Georgraphy, Instructor: 
INDIGSTU 4001G – Advanced Special Topics Indigenous Studies, Instructor: 
INDIGSTU 4023F – Research in Indigenous Studies, Instructor: Desmond Moser
INDIGSTU 4142F – Decolonizing Land-Based Relations, Instructor: Cortney Golkar-Dakin (S. Awasis)
INDIGSTU 4818G – Indigenous Public History, Instructor: Cody Groat
INDIGSTU 4903G – Indigenous Research Methodologies, Instructor: Renee Bedard

For course descriptions, see the Course Description Page 
For full course listings, see the 2024-2025 Timetable